Jayme, Verhagen, Adam Karg, Diane Sivasubramaniam, Carleigh Yeomans, Tracy De Cotta, Jane Farmer
January 31, 2025
Social connection is a latent and multidimensional construct. Although it can be defined in various ways depending on different goals and multidisciplinary research approaches, a consensus has emerged that it cannot be quantified or directly observed through a single measure or experience.
This toolkit provides an overview of social connection and describes a process of measurement development based on multiple data collections from 2021 to 2024 with nationally representative Australian population samples.
Overall, this toolkit will allow practitioners to:
- Understand the dimensions of social connection and how social connection relates to outcomes of personal wellbeing, satisfaction with life, and resilience.
- Deploy the measurement tool through short, medium, and long-form versions of the Social Innovation Research Institute's Social Connection Measurement (SIRI-SCM).
- Compare the average results from their own data collection to results from nationally representative samples.
Download the Toolkit here ⬇️