Jane Farmer, Milovan Savic, Tracy De Cotta
The report provides insights into consistent issues or tension in people’s discussions of their social connection experiences.
These early findings are from the 88 x two-hour face-to-face interviews (two interviews with each of 44 people) conducted in Phase 1 from August to December 2022 with diverse resident participants living in Wyndham, Whittlesea and Casey areas of outer-metropolitan Melbourne, Victoria.
Participants were mainly recruited by asking partner organisations (councils and service organisations) to identify people that might ‘have interesting stories of social connection’. People were asked how they understand social connection and attain it for themselves. They were also asked to talk about their ‘circles of connection’ (reflecting on the diagram of social connection circles in the Social Connection Framework used in the project), local places and spaces they use/don’t use for connection, their experiences of connection, over time,